NYHETSBLOGG - MÅNAD: januari, 2021

Kings höstbok blir Billy Summers

Kategori/er: Böcker 
Kings höstbok heter “Billy Summers" och handlar om en lönnmördare. Den släpps i USA den 3 augusti.

Billy Summers is a man in a room with a gun. He’s a killer for hire and the best in the business. But he’ll do the job only if the target is a truly bad guy. And now Billy wants out. But first there is one last hit. Billy is among the best snipers in the world, a decorated Iraq war vet, a Houdini when it comes to vanishing after the job is done. So what could possibly go wrong?

How about everything.

This spectacular can’t-put-it-down novel is part war story, part love letter to small town America and the people who live there, and it features one of the most compelling and surprising duos in King fiction, who set out to avenge the crimes of an extraordinarily evil man. It’s about love, luck, fate, and a complex hero with one last shot at redemption.

You won’t put this story down, and you won’t forget Billy.

Här är ett utdrag.

"Two million. Five hundred thousand up front, the rest after."

Billy's whistle isn't part of the act, which he doesn't think of as an act but his dumb self, the one he shows to guys like Nick and Frank and Paulie. It's like a seatbelt. You don't use it because you expect to be in a crash, but you never know who you might meet coming over a hill on your side of the road. This is also true on the road of life, where people veer all over the place and drive the wrong way on the turnpike.

"Why so much?" The most he's ever gotten on a contract was seventy K. "It's not a politician, is it? Because I don't do that."

"Not even close."

"Is it a bad person?"

Nick laughs, shakes his head, and looks at Billy with real affection. "Always the same question with you."

Billy nods.

The dumb self might be a shuck, but this is true: he only does bad people. It's how he sleeps at night. It goes without saying that he has made a living working for bad people, yes, but Billy doesn't see this as a moral conundrum. He has no problem with bad people paying to have other bad people killed. He basically sees himself as a garbageman with a gun.

"This is a very bad person."

Kings nästa bok kommer 14 maj

Kategori/er: Böcker  Sverige  Later/Senare 
Vårens svenska Stephen King bok blir "Senare".

Ibland betyder växa upp att du måste möta dina demoner. Jamie Conklin, son till en ensamstående, hårt arbetande mor, vill bara ha en vanlig och normal barndom. Men Jamie är inte ett vanligt barn - han ser vad ingen annan kan se och vet saker som ingen annan kan veta. Och priset att betala för att hjälpa polisen jaga en mördare från andra sidan graven är högre än han någonsin kunde föreställa sig.

Med ekon från Kings klassiska roman "Det" är "Senare" en skrämmande och rörande roman om förlorad oskuld och ett gastkramande utforskande om att stå upp mot ondska, i vilken skepnad den än antar.

Svensk titel: Senare
Originaltitel: Later
Format: Inbundet, ebok och ljudbok
Releasedatum: 14 maj 2021



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